Tuesday, June 15, 2010

things my daughters may forgive me for

So it's been an interesting few days. Friday morning Emma fell from my shoulders onto her head while we were on the sidewalk. While I'm happy to report that the only lingering effect is a mild headache when she does a somersault, I still spent the day feeling like a terrible man let alone parent. Yesterday Ellie was in her carseat on the table and was excitedly rocking back and forth so much she fell off the table. I dove and caught her and absorbed the bulk of the damage. It was like the lowest low to the highest high in 72 hours. Still searching for work. There really is a science to selling yourself.
My family has kind of been in flux for the past few weeks. Laurie has been having some huge spiritual discoveries and is working to implement some new practices into our day to day. Our careers are still a point of concern. Jason is working through some issues of where he needs to be right now and Julie and Rob are again on the move to the states. The Lord has provided for us already in so many ways. Who knows what will happen tomorrow but really, why worry about it? Soooo tired....kids must sleep later...