Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bill, strange things are afoot at the Circle K

I have an annoying habit of buying things, then selling them for whatever reason and then buying them again. Case in point: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. My small group is meeting tomorrow night and I'm hopeful attendance will be full. We have not been as consistent a group as I'd hoped. Have you ever just had an impulse to do something you'd regret but did it anyway? Today I bought a dozen Krispy Kremes and am 5/12 ths through them. Between them and my other meals of the day I think I put on five pounds. Ah well, live with gusto right? I might be in the minority on this but it really chaps my (ahem) when people get all hot and bothered when someone doesn't remove their hat during prayer. Do you honestly think God cares? The guy next to you with his hat off might be sleeping around but at least he showed the proper respect.
Negatives: Dry heels, sore shoulder, three fillings on the horizon, 0 for 6 so far this year.
Positives: the aforementioned 12 donuts, bathed dogs, two consecutive bible nights and no errors in the field.
Gotta pee. Later peeping tomers.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

GRRRRR. I totally know what you mean about the hat off for prayer thing. I can't stand that! I can't respect God with a hat on??? What a load of crap.