Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks a lot

This is a list of things I am thankful for in no particular order and for no special reason.

I'm thankful I have three toilets in my house. Especially this moment.
I'm thankful for credit cards.
I'm thankful for second chances.....and third and fourth and......
I'm thankful my parents are still married.
I'm thankful I was brought up right.
I'm thankful I went to Bethany Bible College and built the relationships I have.
I'm thankful for a bunch of knuckleheads I call my small group.
I'm thankful for American cheese slices.
I'm thankful for a beautiful 2 year old.
I'm thankful for a beautiful 30 year old.
I'm thankful I can still walk without pain.(some days)
I'm thankful for unlimited opportunity.
I'm thankful for the humble potato.
I'm thankful for a crappy job.(cause it's a job)
I'm thankful there is potential for more.
I'm thankful for trivia.
I'm thankful for free internet.
I'm thankful for generous parents and in-laws.
I'm thankful for a family free from strife.(cause not everyone can say that)
I'm thankful for hand moisturizer.
I'm thankful for this moment and the next.
I'm thankful I can read about my Lord anytime I'm motivated enough to do it.
I'm thankful he doesn't keep score.
I'm thankful you took the time to read this.

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