Monday, December 15, 2008


I may be the most disgusting guy around but I feel like I'm not alone. I have peed on the back of my pants while sitting on the toilet at school. Sometimes when I cough really hard something will fly out the back of my throat. I pick my nose and fling my boogers, in a really secret way. And most disgusting of all, if I don't get enough toilet paper, I can get poo on my hand by accident. Gross, gross, gross.
So for all of you out there who are closet nasties, the time has come to stand and confess. Amnesty has been granted here at Breastmilk Ice Cream.


Kelly said...

BAH! I'm pretty sure all of those things have happened to me. Maybe not the pee one, though.

proud mama said...

I'm not sure I wanted to know all of that. Especially about the toilet paper. Ew.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,

I find myself asking the question "is there such a thing as being TOO honest?".

I don't think I'm wise enough to know the answer to that question, but I know this ... IF there is such a thing as being TOO honest, you are definitely the POSTER-CHILD for it!


oljonnyhurd said...

As a footnote, I asked the guys in my small group if any of that had happened to them. Let's just say I'm not alone. And I know they've done worse.