Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wanton ramblings

I've never quite understood camps. You get out of comfortable surroundings on purpose, expose yourself to insects and generally hang with a bunch of people you only see at camp. My family, for all my formative years, never went to beulah. But now that I'm away and gone, they buy a cottage. As does my sister. And all my college friends go there.
Last night I broke a glass from our new set. It was one of the nice heavy bottomed kinds. I almost cried. The reason I didn't is because I'm so used to things like that happening to me. Or in my life. Ask my wife and she'll tell you, if there is a jagged edge, I will find it. If there is a curb I will trip over it. If there is something improperly balanced, I will drop it. If it hangs low or out or over, I will hit my head on it. If there is a company having a poor service day, I will be there at that time. If there are traffic lights they will all turn red. If there is a slow driver, I will be behind them. If there is any way to be unlucky, unfortunate, clumsy, hurt, bothered ignored or exasperated, it will occur in my life. Lots of people say it is all in the way you look at it. My friend Mike and I think I have a mutant unluck factor. Regardless, it has made me a cynic and quite angry. At the world, at God and sometimes at people who don't have these things happen. Don't get me wrong, I realize how good I've got it. But I really feel that I need to talk to someone. A child of God shouldn't feel this fatalistic all the time. I'm not depressed, just resigned to a life of unmet expectations and that can't be good.


theajthomas said...

Wow, depressing. Might I suggest God is trying to punish you for not loving Beulah?

proud mama said...

I can verify the unluck my husband endures. I fear becoming a young widow due to all of those bumps on the noggin or other physical injuries! I just keep hoping that, while we're together, my non-unluckiness (without saying I'm a LUCKY person...couldn't go that far) will overpower HIS mutant unluck factor. Hmmm...wonder if it's genetic. What will Emma's fate be?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hurd, I hear things like you mention are oftened followed by this comment:

"It is something you will grow out of."

Man, we should do lunch sometime and hang out.

Anonymous said...

find something USEFUL and POSITIVE that you can do better than anyone else. and then START DOING IT. then KEEP DOING IT. then DON'T QUIT DOING IT. It will require so much of your time and effort that you won't have time to notice all the other "bad" things that are happening to you.

~ some anonymous old geezer